Tuesday, September 27, 2011

DINOSAURS. Also, melodrama.

 So I checked out 'Terra Nova' last night on Fox, a show that has the potential to be nerdtastic. So far, I pretty much loved it. It's obviously playing off of Lost's success, but it definitely has its own elements. The show centers itself around a family who has been recruited into the past. And by the past I mean like, with dinosaurs all over the dang place.
They are not, unfortunately, this cuddly

Humanity has effed up the world so bad pollution-wise that it's decided we need a do-over.  So some people are recruited, like the Shannon family, who's matriarch just happens to be some amazing medical doctor with like 12 Ph.Ds. Or something. And the rest have come from the lottery that's drawn to let people into this new "utopia".
 The premiere was super exciting, lots of melodrama, lots of action and lots of intrigue. Anyway, let's break it down.
oh hai.

Things I loved-
-Super cute booknerd daughter-yay for female characters to look up to!
-DINOSAURS! (pictured right)
-The mysterious group called the 'Sixers' who branched off from the Terra Nova settlement

Things I did not love-
-Mr. Angsty teen son sort of got on my nerves, but he had a cute moment with his new girlyfriend, so it balanced out
-Why does the dad look like Mr. Shoe from 'Glee', future cop version? His character was sort of annoying, hopefully he rounds out later in the season
-SORT OF SPOILER ALERT: Okay, you're telling me the security is so bad in the future that dudes can just run and escape into a time machine when they're just escaped from a maximum security prison anyway?
-They should not have brought guns into the past. Utopia needs the opposite of guns.
See? This second chance is peaceful & has no chance of getting too violent AT ALL.
So, the moral: watch this show! Please, please, please give it ratings so Fox doesn't rip our hearts out and stomp on them by cancelling it immediately.


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