Sunday, September 25, 2011

Greetings Sentients, Elias is here!

Hello all! My name is Elias and I'm here to join the Nerd Goggles team! What are my credentials you ask? Well, I'm a huge nerd so that should cover it right? Oh you want a resume? Okay well lemme just, find... okay I might have left that in my other pants. References? Hah! Oh internet, is that really what you want? It is... Oh. Well, look I could tell you all about how me and Bill Gates go golfing on Sundays, or how me and Steve Jobs (Stevie I call him) plan to go sailing across the undiscovered ocean looking for adventure, but I'd rather tell you how I'm going to dazzle your freaking mind off with incredible and insightful articles regarding nerd culture!

I'm into comics, games, movies, books, anime, music, art, theatre, farming, energy consumption, sociological experiments, philanthropy, stock market trading, anything that gets me closer to human mind control, etc (y'know, the usual). I'm crazy excited to get working with Kiki, Alex, and Will on some nerd culture stir-fry including but not limited to: commentaries, reviews, analysis, discussion, and maybe down the line our own movie directed by Martin Scorsese. I can't wait! So I hope you keep reading. Until then...

Take Care,

-Elias (setting the snarky bar high so as to casually duck underneath in the future.)    

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