Friday, September 23, 2011

Hello World, I'm Will.

Hello everybody, my name is Will.  I am one of the new members who will be posting to the Nerd Goggles.  I wanted to try and have a small introduction of sorts to start all of this off, starting with what I would be trying to talk about in my posts.  I, like Alex, am a die hard comic book fan and have been reading for close to a decade, so most of my day is filled with reading and thinking about comics.  In turn that means I will probably talk about comics here...a lot.  But when I am not doing comic book related activities I fancy myself a gamer.  I have lots of opinions on games and I hope to share them with all of you people out there.

I have had a few different ideas on what I want to post, so in the coming days I hope to have a few of those things going up on here.  The past week or so for me has been filled with the relaunch, catching up on Fear Itself, and starting my second play through on Mass Effect 2.  All of which have given me cool ideas for posts on the bloggle.  I have high hopes for this little thing that Alex has brought me into, and I look forward to ranting and raving on all of the things we all love to talk about.  For now I have said all I came to say, which is pretty much summed up in a hello and I want to talk about stuff, so I will take my leave for now.  Look for my first actual post later today or tomorrow.  Until then though I bid you all good day.


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