Saturday, September 24, 2011

Me llamo Kiki!

Hello! This is Kiki, another member of the Nerd Goggles team. I actually recently discovered the nerdy part of myself (thank you, Alex! =]). As far as comics go, because of the new 52, I've been able to start from the "beginning" with DC. So your ploy worked, Didio, I am a girl and a new reader! I also enjoy nerdy TV shows, especially Buffy, and movies (the new 'Star Trek' is super amazing). So I will post about such things. I'm not much of a videogames person, except for Mario Kart. Kart.

I'll make this short and sweet, I just thought I'd write a little something to start off. My first few posts will probably be about comics and the DC relaunch, it's a new and exciting time as we all know and I can't wait to share my thoughts on it. I'm super excited to be a part of this whole new terrific nerdy world and a part of this blog with my fellow bloggers, Alex, Will and Elias.

Thanks for reading, thanks for caring,

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