Sunday, September 25, 2011

Presenting: The Nerd Goggles Bloggers!

Hey-hey, Imaginary Readers!

Alex AKA Goggles here, & I thought I'd do something of a small breakdown of what's going on 'round these parts. I am but one lil nerdperson, & since I threw up the Nerd Goggles Bloggle a few months ago, I have been considering getting a few friends to post here along with me. Not only to take the content burden off of myself, but also to broaden the focus. As you've no doubt noticed (or haven't!) this blog has up til now been primarily about comic books. This is mostly because I have been deeply ingrained in comics after a year of not reading much. In recent months, however, between the DC New 52 thing, Marvel's Fear Itself event, & my own self-initiated decision to relapse back into reading X-Men books after six years clean, comics have overrun my day to day activities. So yeah, I've been posting a bunch about comics, when I posted at all. I also made the somewhat ill-advised decision to start up a blog thingie during an insanely busy & transitional phase of my non-internet life, which provided some conflict.

BUT NO MATTER. I'm more or less back on track, & think I'll be posting more regularly. Also, I hope to try to meet the goal of this blog a little more & post thoughts on non-comic items from time to time.

To this end, I have recruited some of my friends to hop online & occasionally post things here as well. My friend Will already posted a small intro earlier, & the others might as well. But I also figured it couldn't hurt to have a little bio post to give everyone a teeny chance to get acquainted via all the nerdy & non-nerdy things we love. SO! Without further ado:

The Nerd Goggle Bloggers & some stuff they love!

(Formerly known as simply 'Goggles')

Hobby/Passion: Writing, Reading, Stories in general.
Areas of Interest: Comics, Films, Novels: Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Drama/Crime/Adventure, Video Games, Tabletop Games, Webcomics, Da Internet, Music
Films: Jaws, Ghostbusters, Lord of the Rings, Swingers, Pulp Fiction
Novels: Neverwhere, Boneshaker, Harry Potter, The Time Traveler's Wife, All Other Neil Gaiman
TV Shows: Buffy, Mad Men, The Venture Brothers, Freaks & Geeks, Arrested Development, MST3K
Games: Mario games, Uncharted series, Fallout 3 & New Vegas, Pokemon, Mega Man, God of War
Bands: Sunset Rubdown, Of Montreal, The Beatles, The New Pornographers, Wolf Parade, Neko Case, Fiest, The Decemberists
Comics: Identity Crisis, Y: The Last Man, Geoff Johns' The Flash run, Robinson's Starman, FABLES 
CharactersSpider-Man, Buffy Summers,  Batman, Yorick Brown, Cyclops, Black Canary, Emma Frost, Wally West
Comic Strips: Calvin & Hobbes, Shortpacked!, Questionable Content, Girls With Slingshots, Chainsawsuit, Penny Arcade, Dumbing of Age


(Alright rangers, let's get rangin')

Hobbies/Passion: RPG's, Shakespeare, Morality/Ethics
Areas of Interest: Video Games, Books, Movies, TV, MtG, escapism in general
Films: Reservoir Dogs; Synecdoche, New York; Goodfellas; The Royal Tenenbaums  
Novels: Slaughterhouse Five; A Song of Ice and Fire series; 1984; Winesburg, Ohio  
TV: Breaking Bad, Rescue Me, Game of Thrones, Frasier, The Office (US), Curb Your Enthusiasm, Battlestar Gallactica, Neon Genesis Evangelion  
Games: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Metal Gear Solid series, Pokemon series, Final Fantasy X (laughing scene and all), Halo series   
Bands: The Flaming Lips, Neutral Milk Hotel, Cold War Kids, Kanye West, David Bowie, Bright Eyes, Eminem  
Comics: FABLES, Matt Wagner's Trinity, Batman: Year One 
Characters: Walter White, Theon Greyjoy, Peter Campbell, Superman, Shinji Ikari, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Tony Tony Chopper   
Comic Strips: Baby Blues, Get Fuzzy, Calvin and Hobbes, XKCD, VGcats, Buttersafe


Hobbies/Passion: People
Areas of Interest: Movies, Books, TV, Comics
Films: Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Mean Girls, Submarine, Red Dragon, Gone Baby Gone
Novels: Room, The Stand, Harry Potter, To Kill a Mockingbird
TV: Buffy, Arrested Development, The Big Bang Theory, Freaks and Geeks, Gossip Girl
Games: Mario Kart Wii, Mario Party 8
Bands: Foster the People, The Beatles, Vampire Weekend, Taylor Swift, The Hush Sound
Comics: Batwoman, Batgirl, Animal Man, Spider-Man, Batman, Morning Glories, Fables
Characters: Spider-Man, Xander Harris, Ferris Bueller, Albus Dumbledore, Peggy Olsen
Comic Strips: Questionable Content, Girls With Slingshots


Hobbies/Passion: Reading and Gaming
Areas of Interest:Comic Books, Novels, Video Games (Both online and off), D&D,  MTG
Films: Rounders, Super 8, 30 Days of Night, 40 Year Old Virgin
Novels: Neverwhere, American Gods, Game of Thrones, His Majesty's Dragon
TV: Buffy, Angel, Scrubs, The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Firefly
Games: Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption, God of War, Gears of War, Uncharted, Elder Scrolls
Bands: Arctic Monkeys, Muse, Queens of the Stone Age, Rise Against
Comics: Scott Snyder's Detective Comics run, Batman: No Man's Land, Ed Brubaker's stuff on Captain America
Characters: Wally West, Xander Harris, Bucky Barnes, Zatanna Zatara
Comic Strips: Penny Arcade, Questionable Content, Dumbing of Age

We're all so glad to meet you, internet, we hope this is the beginning of a beautiful something or other!

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